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2021 Annual General Meeting – November 6

annual general meeting November 6th

Join us for the PNWORCA annual General Meeting meeting on Saturday, November 6th.

The PNWORCA Board of Directors consists of one (1) representative from each outrigger canoe club that is a member in good standing of the Association (2020 dues have been paid). All directors must be active members of a PNWORCA member club and are selected by the member club they represent.

Due to space limitations, PNWORCA Board of Directors Meetings are limited to a maximum of 2 representatives per club (the designated director and one other club leadership member).

If the designated PNWORCA Director for your club has changed, please email the full name and email for your current director to

Spring PNWORCA Board Of Directors Meeting

Saturday, November 6, 2021
1:00pm – 2:30pm

This meeting will be held virtually via Google Meet. A link to the meeting will be sent to each club leadership member.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Meeting Call to Order (Ernie Wong, President)
  2. Meeting Participant Roll Call/Establishing Quorum (Kate Goudschaal, Secretary)
  3. Past Meeting Minutes for Review/Ratification (Kate Goudschaal, Secretary)
    1. ATTACHMENT: DRAFT BOD Meeting Minutes: May 2, 2021.
  4. Welcome New/Prospective Members (Ernie Wong, President)
  5. Paddler Safety Legislation (Andy Michels, Treasurer)
  6. 2022 Proposed PNWORCA Budget (Andy Michels, Treasurer)
    1. ATTACHMENT: Proposed 2022 Budget.
    2. ATTACHMENT: 2022 Budget Memo.
  7. Tentative 2022 Race Calendar (Tyler Irwin, Race Chair)
    1. ATTACHMENT: Tentative 2022 race calendar.  
      1. Recap of Race Committee meeting held on August 14, 2021
      2. Overview of tentative 2022 Race Calendar
  8. USAORCA Updates (John McCarthy, USAORCA Rep)
    1. IVF Time Trials
    2. IVF Area Rep Selection
  1. Equipment Update and Sergeant at Arms Open Position (Jason Zimmermann, Sgt at Arms)
    1. Sprint Equipment Update/Professional Services Contract
    2. Jason Zimmermann is stepping down from his position as Sergeant at Arms. Voting to fill this interim position will be conducted at this meeting. 
      1. Position will be filled for the term of one year. Voting for all PNWORCA Executive Board positions will take place at the annual general meeting in 2022. 
      2. Please submit nominations for this position to

Duties of the Sergeant at Arms position include:

Per the PNWORCA Bylaws: The Sergeant-at-Arms shall assist the President in maintaining order and decorum at meetings and shall monitor attendance at such meetings. In addition, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall maintain a current list of all Association property, shall be responsible for storage of Association property, and shall check the condition, repair or replacement of such property. 

Equipment storage and maintenance is the largest responsibility of this role. Those specific duties include:

  • Arrangement of storage for all PNWORCA owned equipment (primarily all the sprint equipment).  
  • Work with the sprint race directors to either transport the equipment to the race and back to storage or give them access to the storage unit for them to handle these duties.
  • Yearly inspection of the equipment to verify its good order and needs for repairs.
  • Coordinate and required repairs of the equipment.
  1. Open Floor For Questions/Discussion
  2. Meeting Adjournment