Paddler Roles
Canoe Seating and Paddler Roles

Seat 1 sets the pace and the stroke. Seat 1 must maintain a good “feel” for the movement (glide) of the canoe, and adjust the pace accordingly. This means watching the water ahead, and paying attention to the feel of the boat. Seat 1 also changes the rate depending upon the conditions. This seat will often have a paddle 1/4″ to 1/2” shorter than the back seats.
Seat 2works with Seat 1 in maintaining the timing of the canoe on the opposite side.
Seat 2 will mirror Seat 1 in timing and stroke length and should be watching the water with Seat 1 while quietly communicating with them to confirm how the boat feels, stroke rate and length. Seat 1 and 2 should establish short signals such as,”reach” for a longer stroke rate, “up” for increased rate, and others, as needed. If Seat 1 disagrees with a recommendation from seat two, they simply say “NO.”
Seat 3 (and 2) calls changes and always be aware of what is happening around the canoe (in order adjust stroke count). There will be times when the count must change – stay on one side to prepare for a turn, start sequences, riding waves, etc.
Seat 4 watches the ama in rough water. Seat 4 also must also pass messages up the boat. Seats 4 and 5 are to power the boat and maintain balance.
Seat 5 and Seat 6 must quietly communicate and work together. When the crew shoves off, Seat 6 (also known as the steersperson) is responsible AND liable for the canoe and it’s paddlers. The FIRST responsibility of Seat 6 is crew safety, the second is canoe safety and third is steering and navigation. Seat 6 also keeps the crew in time, focused and motivated. After that, Seat 6 is a paddler.
Multiple Seat Responsibilities
An additional responsibility of Seats 2 & 4 is to watch the ‘iako – always leaning back and out on the ‘iako whenever the canoe is at rest. Seats 2& 4 also have to be “ama concious” when the canoe is moving paying close attention to stability and a potential huli (canoe flip).
An additional responsibility of Seats 3 & 5 is to steady the canoe. Seats 3 and 5 must also pass along commands from the Steersperson, if necessary. The steersman is always in command of the canoe, however, everyone is responsible for the safety of the crew and the safety of the boat.
Content sourced from Kai Ikaika Paddling Club