Protest Rules

Protests must be filed by the team captain/coach at the race. A protest may be lodged by filing out the protest form, and handing it in to the host clubs’ race official, no later than 20 minutes after the race is fully completed.
Once a protest has been received, the Protest Committee will be formed (minimum of three) and must notify immediately all partied involved in the protest, allowing time for other or counter protests to be reviewed.
After 20 minutes, the protest committee starts deliberating. The Protest Committee shall, if needed, interview as many people as necessary, and review any other pertinent information.
The decision of the Protest Committee, on each protest, must be confirmed in writing, giving reasons for the decision. The decision must be handed to the affected team captain, who must acknowledge receipt of it by signing the protest committee’s official copy.
The decision of the Protest Committee many not be appealed. The team being found to lose the protest shall be liable for all damages to all hindered canoes. The Protest Committee may imply time penalties or disqualifying infracting canoe(s).
Protest Form:
- Write clearly, legibly and intelligently. Use more paper if needed for description or drawings.
- Host clubs shall have copies of protest forms and procedures for attending clubs to lodge.
- A non-refundable fee of $25.00 USD, payable to PNWORCA, must accompany each protest.
Protest Committee Rules:
- A minimum of three people
- Must comply with PNWORCA rules
- Safety of paddlers is paramount in making a final decision
- If a majority decision cannot be made, one other neutral person will be appointed to the committee, and another vote will be taken
- If needed, the committee can interview paddlers or witnesses
- The signed original protest form shall be the property of PNWORCA and must be submitted to the PNWORCA Race Chair as soon as possible.